In Festi'vibes, you play a festival-goer trying to organise his schedule for the coming festival season!
6 festivals are scheduled, but you only have 3 tickets to place throughout the game.
To help you choose your shows, you have Event cards. Place them strategically to choose the best festivals at the cost of your opponents and maximise your good vibes !
8+ | 15 to 25 mins | 2-4 players
6 Festival cards
12 Ticket Cards
26 Event cards
8 Help cards
How to Play ?
Place the 6 Festival cards in a row
It represents the number of festivals available.
Event cards are placed below the Festival cards and Ticket cards above.
The number on each card indicates the maximum number of Event cards the festival can contain before being sold out.
Each player receives 3 Event cards and 3 Ticket cards.
The Ticket cards represent the festivals in which the players will take part. They will determine the player's score at the end of the game.
Event cards have a number on the left which represents their value and a symbol on the right which is a power that must be used immediately after the card has been played.
On their turn, players must choose between :
(a) Place a Ticket card above one of the festivals!
(b) Play an Event card on one of the Festival columns
Once a festival column is complete, turn the Festival card over to its "Sold Out" side.
Please note!
A Festival column cannot contain more than two Ticket cards!
Players play clockwise.
The game ends when all the festivals are sold out!
The total points of the Event cards in a Festival column are added together to obtain its score.
Then add up all the points in each Festival column in which the player has placed a Ticket card to get the player's score!
The player with the most points wins the game!